Forensic Assessment & Individual Therapy
Dr. Heidi Strohmaier
Licensed Psychologist serving adult clients online and in person in Minnetonka, Minnesota
Now offering telehealth services in 39 US states
AL * AZ * AR * CO * CN * MI * CT * DE * DC * GA * ID * IL * IN * KS * KY * ME * MD * MI * MN * MO * NE * NV * NH * NJ * NC * OH * OK * PA * TN * TX * UT * VA * WA * WV * WI * WY *
AL * AZ * AR * CO * CN * MI * CT * DE * DC * GA * ID * IL * IN * KS * KY * ME * MD * MI * MN * MO * NE * NV * NH * NJ * NC * OH * OK * PA * TN * TX * UT * VA * WA * WV * WI * WY *
The EnCompass Approach
evidence-based | solution-focused | context-dependent
EnCompass Psychological Services is committed to using psychological science to meet your psychological health, wellness, and legal needs in a way that is sensitive to context and diversity. Dr. Strohmaier is trained in several empirically supported assessments and treatments. Since 2009, she has worked in healthcare and legal settings, supporting individuals from diverse backgrounds experiencing a range of mental health issues.
EnCompass Services
Individual Therapy
Health & Wellness
Forensic Assessment
Corporate Consulting
Forensic Testimonials
“Thanks for your excellent work. Your fact summary is thorough, your analysis is well-supported, and your writing is easy to follow. I think the jury would view your opinions as very reasonable.”
— Retaining attorney for personal injury case
“Your report is comprehensive, detailed, and thorough.”
— Chief Forensic Psychologist of major metropolitan forensic division
“The report is great.”
— Retaining attorney for sentencing mitigation case
“I really appreciate your great work on the report.”
— Retaining attorney for personal injury case
“You are a good writer. The reports are well conceived and organized.”
— Former Chair of the American Board of Forensic Psychology
“I am very impressed by and appreciative of your deliberate and open communications…It is quite refreshing.”
— Forensic assessment client
Therapy & Presentation Testimonials
“I don’t want to get too sentimental but you really helped me through one of the most challenging times in my life. I’m eternally grateful and glad we met…You’ve given me tools to better address challenges and its showing…My feeling is I’ll continue to grow from the foundation that you helped me build.”
—Former therapy client
“The CBT skills you taught me were life changing. I can do so many things now that I couldn’t before.”
— Former therapy client
“[Dr. Strohmaier] was very knowledgeable and the handout was very informative…” & “This was one of the best and most practical CEs I have ever attended. Complete, thorough, organized and practical. Wonderful!”
— CE presentation attendees
Telehealth Offerings
For ease, convenience, and to safely meet your needs, many services can be provided remotely via telehealth.